It all begins with an idea…
Whether on foot or skis, or in a canoe, I love to travel. There’s something magical about slowly moving across a landscape under one’s own power. It not only allows me to fully explore the territory I’m moving through, but the steady beat of foot-falls or paddle strokes create an opportunity for rest, reflection and introspection, the like of which I’ve found no where else. Travel re-centers me, brings me back down to earth and refreshes me. It means when I finally get back to ‘real life’ (or as a fellow traveler preferred to call it, just one’s ‘other life’), I’m ready to tackle its challenges and obstacles with renewed verve and vigor. With a renewed zest for life.
And I love to share my adventures. By re-exploring a trip with pen and paper (and, let’s be honest in the 21st century, computer) after the final step or stroke has been taken, I’m able to more fully appreciate what I’ve done. I often pair my travels with a historical journey or narrative, and writing about the two together allows me to contextualize what I’ve just accomplished, and imbue it with broader meaning. It’s an additional way for me to experience the journey, and I like to think that it improves the reader’s experience as well!
When I’m not in the woods or on the water, I live in the Upper Valley of Vermont where I run Hermit Woods Trailbuilders, LLC, a dry-stone masonry and trail design and construction company that does work throughout New England.
Whether you’re interested in adventures, writing, stone walls, trailbuilding, or something else entirely, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to hear from you! I have also done numerous presentations throughout New England on my travels and writing and I’d be happy to talk to you if you’re interested in a talk or reading.